General pest control

Rats and Rodents cause mayhem in New York

Rats and rodents have been multiplying and infesting streets and homes in New York. So much is the mayhem that rats have made headlines in the New York Times and caused warnings from the Health Department. Several task forces have been created in order to control the rodent situation in the City. Though the [...]

By |2025-02-07T05:20:11+00:00February 6th, 2025|Articles, General pest control, Rats, rodents|Comments Off on Rats and Rodents cause mayhem in New York

Creative critters creep through crevices

Creepy crawleys are all a rage during October. Especially since it’s the beginning of overwintering. But overwintering is not the only reason critters enter. Also, many times, they do not discriminate on the season. Regardless critters will creep through the crevices as the title mentions, but the important thing is knowing what to do [...]

By |2024-10-21T04:55:31+00:00October 28th, 2024|Articles, General pest control, overwintering pests|Comments Off on Creative critters creep through crevices

Prepare for overwintering pests during the fall season

Fall is here! It’s a time when leaves change, we change our home décor and coffee shops add a little more spice to their menu. But, that’s not the only thing that changes. Believe us when Bullfrog tells you that invasive pests will come knocking at your door. In a process called overwintering, these [...]

By |2024-10-21T04:53:11+00:00October 4th, 2024|bats, boxelder bugs, Cockroach, deer mice, elm leaf beetle, General pest control, house mice, multicolored asian lady beetle, overwintering pests, spiders, stinkbugs, western conifer seed bugs|Comments Off on Prepare for overwintering pests during the fall season

Mosquito prevention can protect you and your family from disease

Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus mosquitoes are common mosquitoes found throughout much of the world. Because they carry several diseases and can transmit diseases easily, these insects and their behavior are very dangerous. It’s important to understand how mosquitos behave and how they spread so that you can take preventive measures and avoid becoming [...]

By |2024-08-16T02:15:57+00:00April 11th, 2023|Articles, General pest control, mosquito|Comments Off on Mosquito prevention can protect you and your family from disease

What’s bugging you this summer?

Summer is such a fun season with many holidays and celebrations happening. But one thing a tad dark about Summer, is the rise of a new generation of pests and the possibility of their infestation. The more you know about the behavior of these pests, the better prepared you can be to prevent an [...]

By |2024-08-16T02:25:27+00:00June 29th, 2022|Ants, Articles, bats, flies, General pest control, snakes, spiders|Comments Off on What’s bugging you this summer?

Humidity loving pests entering your home

In the midst of a hot and humid summer there are pests that thrive off moisture. Most people tend to severely dislike humidity, but some pests love it. This can create an additional problem if you are already facing moisture issues within your home or building. Perimeter pests that enter structures due to changes [...]

By |2024-02-08T04:09:30+00:00August 23rd, 2021|Articles, Cockroach, crickets, General pest control, millipede, pill bug, roaches, springtail|Comments Off on Humidity loving pests entering your home

Ants continue their march through Spring

Ants may not be the creepiest of pests around, and are even admired for their hard work in their colonies. Nevertheless, ants are still pests that can disturb your way of life and spread diseases. Watch out for ants having many opportunities and reasons to enter your home throughout the spring. Easy Access Ants [...]

By |2024-08-16T02:31:00+00:00April 7th, 2021|Ants, Articles, General pest control|Comments Off on Ants continue their march through Spring

Termites are at it again!

Guess who’s back in 2021?! No one needs the headache that dealing with termites involves. It’s enough to deal with a rising pandemic and other issues. So, dealing with termites is definitely something people would rather do without. Fortunately, at Bullfrog Pest Control we are equipped to handle termite infestations with the Advance® Termite [...]

By |2024-08-16T02:36:28+00:00March 3rd, 2021|Articles, General pest control, termites|Comments Off on Termites are at it again!

Eliminate Annoying Flies

Are you having a hard time getting rid of annoying flies? There can be many reasons why flies are still pestering you. It’s important to learn about the way flies behave in order to get rid of them, including the reasons why they are attracted to your home. There are three main species of [...]

By |2024-08-16T02:39:08+00:00February 10th, 2021|Articles, General pest control, small flies|Comments Off on Eliminate Annoying Flies

Brown Marmorated Stink Bug infestations stink!

It’s not a skunk! The stink bug can give off a foul odor to ward off predators, when it feels threatened or when humans step on them! That’s how they got their name. Stink bugs have piercing mouths.  They are the shape of a shield, approximately 5/8 to ¾ inches tall and are native [...]

By |2024-08-16T02:45:01+00:00November 2nd, 2020|General pest control, overwintering pests, stinkbugs|Comments Off on Brown Marmorated Stink Bug infestations stink!
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