
About Bullfrog

Bullfrog Pest Control Inc., is a woman-owned pest control company servicing commercial, institutional, health and human service facilities and homes on Long Island and the NYC metropolitan area since 1978.

Rodents and their dangerous habit of chewing

Too cute to be forgotten...because...Oh the damage! Rats have been “chew” it all. I feel bad for them and their cousins. All of them. But I feel even more bad for humans. It’s no secret that rodents spend most of their lives chewing on things. But the impact of rodents chewing is [...]

By |2025-02-07T05:20:33+00:00February 7th, 2025|Articles, deer mice, house mice, rodents|0 Comments

Proactive Measures in eliminating pests and rodents

At Bullfrog Pest Control, Inc., we are committed to maintaining our responsibility in the sustainability of our environment as well as the health and safety of our customers. Using proactive, preventative, knowledge-based and low-risk methods, an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) approach, we are able to protect your home or business from invasive pests and [...]

By |2025-02-07T05:19:59+00:00February 7th, 2025|Articles, rodents|Comments Off on Proactive Measures in eliminating pests and rodents

Rats and Rodents cause mayhem in New York

Rats and rodents have been multiplying and infesting streets and homes in New York. So much is the mayhem that rats have made headlines in the New York Times and caused warnings from the Health Department. Several task forces have been created in order to control the rodent situation in the City. Though the [...]

By |2025-02-07T05:20:11+00:00February 6th, 2025|Articles, General pest control, Rats, rodents|Comments Off on Rats and Rodents cause mayhem in New York

Creative critters creep through crevices

Creepy crawleys are all a rage during October. Especially since it’s the beginning of overwintering. But overwintering is not the only reason critters enter. Also, many times, they do not discriminate on the season. Regardless critters will creep through the crevices as the title mentions, but the important thing is knowing what to do [...]

By |2024-10-21T04:55:31+00:00October 28th, 2024|Articles, General pest control, overwintering pests|Comments Off on Creative critters creep through crevices

Spooky Spiders common to Long Island

With the fall season already here, it feels like 2020 can’t get any worse. And not to remind you of all that could go wrong but, more to prepare you, some spider species overwinter during this time. That means they are attracted to your house or structure seeking warmth, shelter and food – even [...]

By |2024-10-21T04:54:06+00:00October 4th, 2024|overwintering pests, spiders|Comments Off on Spooky Spiders common to Long Island

Prepare for overwintering pests during the fall season

Fall is here! It’s a time when leaves change, we change our home décor and coffee shops add a little more spice to their menu. But, that’s not the only thing that changes. Believe us when Bullfrog tells you that invasive pests will come knocking at your door. In a process called overwintering, these [...]

By |2024-10-21T04:53:11+00:00October 4th, 2024|bats, boxelder bugs, Cockroach, deer mice, elm leaf beetle, General pest control, house mice, multicolored asian lady beetle, overwintering pests, spiders, stinkbugs, western conifer seed bugs|Comments Off on Prepare for overwintering pests during the fall season

Late summer, early fall pests affect Long Island, New York

Several common pests can affect long Island and surrounding areas during the summer months. Below are a few of those pests to watch, their behavior, and some tips to help you keep these pests at bay. Ticks: Long Island’s crawling with ticks, especially if you’re hitting the trails or your backyard’s got some trees. [...]

By |2024-08-20T01:51:46+00:00August 16th, 2024|Ants, Articles, Bees, flies, mosquito, Rats, spiders, termites, Ticks, wasps, west nile virus|Comments Off on Late summer, early fall pests affect Long Island, New York

There’s no silver lining with silverfish

Have you ever been startled by a tiny wriggling fish in the corner of your closet, only to have it quickly dart away? Silverfish are small, wingless insects with a distinctive tapered, carrot-shaped body covered in silvery scales, giving them their name. Typically measuring between half an inch to one inch in length, they [...]

By |2024-08-16T01:55:39+00:00February 8th, 2024|Articles, silverfish|Comments Off on There’s no silver lining with silverfish

Get your home ready for a pest-free winter

It’s finally winter! The cold weather is here, the leaves have changed again and the holidays are around the corner. But before it gets too busy, let me be the knot on your finger and remind you about protecting your home from overwintering pests. In a previous post, we mentioned the science and anatomy of [...]

By |2024-08-16T02:07:14+00:00December 5th, 2023|Articles, beetles, boxelder bugs, overwintering pests, rodents, stinkbugs|Comments Off on Get your home ready for a pest-free winter

How to handle your mice situation

Having mice is bad news. Mice spread serious diseases, carry fleas, contaminate your home, gnaw through wiring, cause expensive structural damage, and pose serious risks. But we have some good news to go with that bad news. Becoming informed about mice will give you the upper hand at getting rid of mice for good! [...]

By |2024-08-16T02:09:17+00:00October 31st, 2023|Articles, house mice, rodents|Comments Off on How to handle your mice situation
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