Frog with a Blog

How to handle your mice situation

By |2024-08-16T02:09:17+00:00October 31st, 2023|Articles, house mice, rodents|

Having mice is bad news. Mice spread serious diseases, carry fleas, contaminate your home, gnaw through wiring, cause expensive structural damage, and pose serious risks. But we have some good news to go with that bad news. Becoming informed about mice will give you the upper hand at getting rid of mice for good! [...]

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Pests are not invited to your vacation

By |2024-08-16T01:59:38+00:00August 17th, 2023|Articles, Bed Bugs, Ticks|

Any wonderfully-planned vacation can turn into a nightmare if pests are also traveling with you. And you definitely did not invite them to the party! While it’s true that pests are all over the world and you will definitely see some while you visit other locations, you definitely do not want to be spreading [...]

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Long Island insects get an early start to Spring thanks to warmer winter

By |2024-02-08T04:09:27+00:00May 1st, 2023|Aphids, Articles, Bees, Giant Swallowtail Butterfly, Gulf Coast Ticks, Southern Pine Beetle|

This past Winter, Long Island faced temperatures that were not too terrible. Even though temperatures dipped down to the “snowable” the snow arrived a bit late and didn’t stay for long. Some insects are getting Spring kicked-off early this year all thanks to the warmer winter on the island. A few types of insects are [...]

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Mosquito prevention can protect you and your family from disease

By |2024-08-16T02:15:57+00:00April 11th, 2023|Articles, General pest control, mosquito|

Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus mosquitoes are common mosquitoes found throughout much of the world. Because they carry several diseases and can transmit diseases easily, these insects and their behavior are very dangerous. It’s important to understand how mosquitos behave and how they spread so that you can take preventive measures and avoid becoming [...]

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Spooky pests to watch out for

By |2024-08-16T02:21:35+00:00October 11th, 2022|Articles, bats, Bed Bugs, Rats, rodents, spiders|

It’s that time of year when we tend to think of creepy and spooky pests for our home décor. But we should really be worried about real-life threats that creep and lurk in the dark. Below are some real-life pests to watch out for during October. Rats – These big, hairy, nocturnal rodents can [...]

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What’s bugging you this summer?

By |2024-08-16T02:25:27+00:00June 29th, 2022|Ants, Articles, bats, flies, General pest control, snakes, spiders|

Summer is such a fun season with many holidays and celebrations happening. But one thing a tad dark about Summer, is the rise of a new generation of pests and the possibility of their infestation. The more you know about the behavior of these pests, the better prepared you can be to prevent an [...]

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Humidity loving pests entering your home

By |2024-02-08T04:09:30+00:00August 23rd, 2021|Articles, Cockroach, crickets, General pest control, millipede, pill bug, roaches, springtail|

In the midst of a hot and humid summer there are pests that thrive off moisture. Most people tend to severely dislike humidity, but some pests love it. This can create an additional problem if you are already facing moisture issues within your home or building. Perimeter pests that enter structures due to changes [...]

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Brood X Cicadas set to run rampant across 15 states including New York

By |2024-08-16T02:28:21+00:00May 4th, 2021|Articles, Cicadas|

Researchers are projecting a plague of Cicadas called Brood X to hit several states including New York. The Brood X Cicadas are set to emerge by the millions by mid-May when temperatures rise and the temperature of the soil reaches 64 degrees. Brood X Cicadas are of the genus of Magicicadas (periodical cicadas) that [...]

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Ants continue their march through Spring

By |2024-08-16T02:31:00+00:00April 7th, 2021|Ants, Articles, General pest control|

Ants may not be the creepiest of pests around, and are even admired for their hard work in their colonies. Nevertheless, ants are still pests that can disturb your way of life and spread diseases. Watch out for ants having many opportunities and reasons to enter your home throughout the spring. Easy Access Ants [...]

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Termites are at it again!

By |2024-08-16T02:36:28+00:00March 3rd, 2021|Articles, General pest control, termites|

Guess who’s back in 2021?! No one needs the headache that dealing with termites involves. It’s enough to deal with a rising pandemic and other issues. So, dealing with termites is definitely something people would rather do without. Fortunately, at Bullfrog Pest Control we are equipped to handle termite infestations with the Advance® Termite [...]

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