Several common pests can affect long Island and surrounding areas during the summer months. Below are a few of those pests to watch, their behavior, and some tips to help you keep these pests at bay.


Long Island’s crawling with ticks, especially if you’re hitting the trails or your backyard’s got some trees. These little buggers can spread Lyme disease, so they’re no joke. Be smart—wear long sleeves, spray on the repellent, and check yourself for ticks after you’ve been outside.


Termites are busy year-round, but summer really gets them going as they search for new wood to chew on. They can seriously mess up your house if you don’t catch them early. So, do yourself a favor—get those inspections done and deal with them ASAP if you find any signs.


Ants, especially those carpenter ants, can be a real pain in the house, especially when they’re hunting for food and water. They’ll find the tiniest cracks and turn them into highways straight to your pantry. Keep things clean, and seal up those gaps to make sure they don’t make your place their summer home.

Wasps and Bees:

Wasps and bees are buzzing all over in the summer, setting up shop in your eaves, trees, and bushes. Sure, they help with pollination, but nobody wants to deal with a nasty sting, especially if you’re allergic. If you spot a nest, don’t play hero—call in a pro to take care of it safely.


Spiders are all over Long Island, hanging out in basements, attics, and outside around the house. Most are harmless and even help with other pests, but watch out for the black widow or brown recluse—they’ve got nasty bites. Keep things clutter-free and seal up cracks to keep them out.


Mice and rats get busy in the summer, too, sniffing around for food and a cozy spot in your garage or basement. These guys can chew through anything, mess up your wires, and leave droppings everywhere. Set traps, keep your place tidy, and block off any entry points to keep them out.


Mosquitoes love our humid summers and go nuts around any standing water. Their bites? Total itch-fests, and some can even carry West Nile virus. So, make sure you’re dumping any water around the yard and grab some mosquito repellent before heading out.


Houseflies and fruit flies are everywhere in the summer, going after food, garbage, and anything that smells. They’re annoying, multiply fast, and can spread bacteria. So, keep your kitchen clean, take out the trash regularly, and cover up your food to keep these pests in check.

Regular pest control and preventive measures can help keep these pests at bay during the summer months.

Call us today for an inspection: 1-800-572-9797.