Guess who’s back in 2021?! No one needs the headache that dealing with termites involves. It’s enough to deal with a rising pandemic and other issues. So, dealing with termites is definitely something people would rather do without. Fortunately, at Bullfrog Pest Control we are equipped to handle termite infestations with the Advance® Termite Bait System. Let’s identify termite anatomy, learn about termite behavior and review the signs of termite infestations.

Termites can sometimes be confused for Carpenter Ants. Termites have straight antennas, broad waists and wings that are equal in length. At first glance, they may appear similar to Carpenter Ants, but Carpenter Ants have elbowed antennae, thin waists and wings that vary in size. Take a look at a diagram distinguishing Termites and Carpenter Ants: Click Here.

Termite Life Cycle produces thousands. Subterranean Termites are born and bred underground. Termite queens can lay up to 2,000 eggs per day. Termites workers are taken to a nursery and are cared for by the workers. They also collect food, build tunnels and act as soldiers. The eggs take about 30 days to hatch into larvae. These larvae grow to assume a role in the colony. Larvae shed their exoskeleton to become nymphs. They then become workers, soldiers or alates (reproductives).

Termites do BIG damage. Subterranean termites can create mud tubes to get around any obstacles that can prevent them from entering your property whether it be a home or a business. Termites can, however, crawl within the cracks of concrete, for example, and into your home. Their main purpose is to look for any wood they can eat. But, termites are not looking for one meal, they are looking to keep the colony fed at all times. They are non-stop eating machines. One colony can do damage to several homes at one time. According to the National Pest Association, Termites cost more than $5-million dollars in damage each year.

The Advance® Termite Bait System. At Bullfrog Pest Control, the bait system we use is a preventative system that is staked about 2-3 feet away from your structure, evenly spaced around the property. Stations should be serviced regularly for termite activity. This preventive measure is only part of the process of getting rid of termites for good. With all the damage termites can cause (which by the way may not be covered by insurance companies), homeowners and business owners should schedule regular inspections of the interior and exterior of their structures to avoid major termite infestations.


Photo: Wikipedia