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The American cockroach is the largest cockroach that infests buildings in the United States. This insect may be recognized by a yellow “figure-8” pattern on the shield at the front of its body. In Florida, the American cockroach is called the “palmetto bug,” and it has the nickname “water bug” throughout the United States.
Our treatment of roaches and other crawling insects consists of treatment using residual barrier around and on all structures to control invasion points, as well as exclusion techniques.
Carpenter Ants
Carpenter ants are one of natures most aggressive wood destroyers. Similar to termites, carpenter ants damage wood. As such, they are of economic importance to the pest control industry and to homeowners alike. Unlike termites however, carpenter ants do not eat wood for food. Carpenter ants only bore into wood to establish and/or enlarge their nest. Carpenter ants can be considered wood destroying pests because of their ability to cause damage to wood. The amount of damage carpenter ants cause is usually far less in comparison to that of subterranean termites, however, if carpenter ant nests are left untreated and undisturbed, the shear numbers of ants can be enormous and the resulting damage caused by “mining” of wood to increase the nest can be substantial.