It wasn’t even a contest! The Champ knocks the Bed Bug out with fists of fury! Bed Bugs are no match for Bullfrog.

Lets Continue on an see what we can learn from these events.


  • “Inspect, Advise and Treat”
  • Inspect area both visually and with bedbug detecting dog if needed
  • Educate customers on bed bug protocols in order to prepare for treatment (vacuum infested area & dispose properly, wash and dry all clothes and bedding in temperatures above 115F)
  • Treat infestation with a mix of techniques such as steam and industry recognized bedbug elimination products


Myth: Pesticide applications alone will easily eliminate bed bug infestations.

Reality: Bed bug control can only be maintained through a comprehensive treatment strategy that incorporates a variety of techniques and vigilant monitoring. It is a good idea to consult a qualified pest management professional (PMP) if you have bed bugs in your home.

Myth: You can’t see a bed bug

Reality: You should be able to see adult bed bugs, nymphs and eggs with your naked eye.

Myth: Bed bugs live in dirty places

Reality: Bed bugs are not attracted to dirt and grime; they are attracted to warmth, blood and carbon dioxide. However, clutter offers more hiding spots.

Myth: Bed bugs transmit diseases.

Reality: There are no cases that indicate bed bugs pass diseases from one host to another. Lab tests have shown that it is unlikely that the insect is capable of infecting its host.

Here is a short video from National Geographic about Bed bugs to give you a better idea of the threat we all face every day.



Don’t let bed bugs interrupt your life. Get rid of them.
Contact us today.